Tuesday, 18 March 2008

light on content

today's post is officially light on content.

i could probably pimp it out with more tantalizing hints that my new mix is going to be released this week (it's actually getting released tomorrow, FYI). i could pad today's content with complaints about the winter weather (i AM getting pretty tired of the snow). i could even post the latest developments in the pending site overhaul (incidentally, is anyone familiar with the WordPress platform or CSS in general?).

i'm not going to write about any of that stuff.

why? because i respect your intelligence. i know that you, the discerning reader, have a busy schedule. you have places to go and blogs to read and very little time to do it in. it would be irresponsible of me to monopolize any of that precious time when i have nothing new to report.

so, no post today. sorry if i've dissapointed you...

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